JCT’s ‘Memorandum of Association’ states that the Company’s mission is:
“To develop, publish, procure the publication, revise and disseminate in both paper and electronic form suites of standard forms of contract and tender documentation and practice notes…”
“suite of standard forms” means a group of all the mutually consistent documents necessary to operate a particular method of procurement, produced to enable them to be used together. Where applicable, this includes the following:
- consultant agreements
- main contracts between the employer and the main contractor
- sub-contracts between the main contractor and its sub-contractors (both for sub-contractors selected by the employer and for other sub-contractors)
- standard forms of sub-sub-contract between a sub-contractor and such sub-contractor’s sub-sub-contractors
- design agreements between an employer and a specialist designer
- forms of tender for issue by an employer to prospective main contractors and for issue by a main contractor to prospective sub-contractors and for issue by a sub-contractor to prospective sub-sub-contractors
- forms of contract for the supply of goods
- forms of bond and collateral warranties.
JCT’s ongoing work is to produce these suites of standard forms for the various methods of procurement used for obtaining building work.