JCT Design and Build Contract 2016: Simply Fair

At the time of the government’s consultation on Building a Responsible Payment Culture I commented on the balance between legislative intervention and the freedom to contract. At that time it was debatable whether further legislative intervention in contractual payment was desirable. Other commentators also expressed doubts. However the driver then, which still prevails, was that the payment process still needs improving. Therefore, it is not wholly surprising that we have seen further legislative change and government guidance as regards fair payment, albeit not as extensive…

Is there a blockchain in our future?

The digital transformation of construction rolls onwards, adding yet more ideas. After BIM, GIS, IoT and 3D Printing comes Blockchain. This financial technology (fintech) concept is the power behind Bitcoin, the shadowy cryptocurrency that currently oils the wheels of nefarious businesses across the world. So, why would this be a relevant idea for our industry? I’m not going to attempt to explain how blockchain works, but it essentially allows all parties to a trade to access an incorruptible record of transactions. It allows trust in…

Le Petit Fort, Jersey

Le Petit Fort is a private family residence located on the shoreline of St Ouen’s Bay in Jersey. The house has been developed and constructed within the walls of a 20th century fort which has had, along with the surrounding landscape, existing materials, and history, a significant influence on the new building’s design. A winner of the RIBA South East Regional Award 2016 and shortlisted for the 2016 Building Awards, a JCT Intermediate Building Contract was the contract solution. Despite Le Petit Fort’s prominent location…

JCT Design and Build and JCT Standard Building Contracts 2016 – Part II

JCT has published the new edition of 2016 Design and Build Contract in conjunction with the Design and Build Sub-Contract for use with it. The purpose of this note is to outline the principal changes from the previous 2011 edition and answer some frequently asked questions. Part I of this article was published in the February edition of JCT News. How is Loss and Expense for delay dealt with? Section 4 which deals with loss and expense still requires prompt initial notification of claims, or…

Is offsite the answer?

The construction industry is heading for the buffers. Capacity is draining out as skilled tradesmen retire and few enter as apprentices. The go-to supply of EU migrant tradesmen is likely to be restricted soon and is already less interested as the pound falls. Construction quality is poor in the housebuilding world. Mark Farmer’s message: Modernise or Die, which I quoted in my last newsletter, is clear that a major move to offsite construction is needed to keep the industry from decline. The proponents of offsite…

Judging Panel Announced for JCT Student Competition 2017

JCT’s Student Competition continues for 2017, focusing on creativity and finding innovative solutions to address a range of industry topics and issues. Categories for this year’s competition included skills shortages, sustainability, collaboration, BIM, technology, and health and wellbeing. Students can enter their submissions in any format they choose – it could be a video, design or drawing, photographic essay, traditional essay – as long as the idea is creative and original, the competition is designed to be flexible to allow students to form their answer…

JCT Interviews…Marc Hanson

In this series we shed some light on some of the key people who are involved with or give their time to support JCT, to ensure that all areas of the construction industry are represented and can contribute to the development of our contracts. We will look at how our interviewees contribute to JCT specifically, and gain their views on JCT’s wider role within the industry. Marc Hanson Member of the JCT Council Chair of the Performance Bond Working Group Marc Hanson is a partner and Head…

Raven’s Enclosure, Tower of London

Legend has it that the kingdom will fall should the ravens ever leave the Tower of London. It was extra important therefore to provide a safe and comfortable new habitat for the iconic birds – one that was sensitive to its historic environment and enhanced their role as a visitor attraction. With a careful and collaborative approach required, the JCT – Constructing Excellence Contract provided the contract solution. The ravens of the Tower of London are an important part of British cultural folklore and history,…

Skills Shortage

Blog Author: Christine Townley – Executive Director, Construction Youth Trust It’s been well known in the industry for many years that we are facing a skills shortage caused by an ageing construction workforce and the return to economic growth. It’s vital that the industry plans for the future and secures the talent and skills needed, so that it has recruited effectively for the workforce of tomorrow. There is a lack of young people coming into the industry to sustain it at the moment – only…

Will We Ever Collaborate?

Blog author: Richard Saxon CBE, JCT Chairman 2016 was another year in which insightful reports were published castigating the UK construction industry for its dysfunction and making recommendations that may or may not ever be acted upon. The recent much publicised Farmer Review: ‘Modernise or Die’, was preceded by ‘Collaborative Construction: More myth than reality?’, produced by Pinsent Masons. Mark Farmer joined the December meeting of JCT Council to discuss his report’s implications for contracts. The Collaborative Construction report is the result of a wide…