JCT Explains…Interim Payments

In this new feature for JCT News, we break down some of the key sections and clauses within the JCT contract to explain and provide more information about how these elements function in practice. The issue looks in more detail at the process of interim payments. Interim payments Generally, the provisions relating to valuation, certificates, notices and payment (interim and final) are the same or similar for many of the JCT main and sub-contracts. In this article, we refer to the JCT Standard Building Contract,…

YPG Update

JCT’s Young Professionals Group continues a productive 2023 with a series of events, activities, and initiatives for construction professionals in the first few years of their career. On 1st September, the group hosted a breakfast seminar covering Letters of Intent, presented by Charles Edwards, JCT Council member, barrister, and head of chambers, Gray’s Inn Construction Chambers. This interactive, small group, workshop explored the potential issues around the use of Letters of Intent and the dos and don’ts to follow when parties choose this early method…

JCT: The Next Evolution

Blog Authors: Michael Bennett and Amber Wright – Shoosmiths At a recent event, Karen Kirkham (chair of JCT) and Sean Smylie (vice chair of the JCT) outlined the eagerly anticipated changes to the JCT Suite of contracts. Speaking to members of the SCL in Birmingham on 28 February 2023, it was confirmed that the next edition is likely to be called JCT 2024 and is anticipated to be issued in the early part of next year. The final decision on the release date will be…

JCT Interviews…

JCT Young Professionals Group: founder member leaders In this series we find out more about some of the key people who give their time to support the JCT Young Professionals Group (JCT YPG). We will look at our interviewees’ background and how they got into the industry, the importance of their contribution to JCT YPG specifically, and gain their views on JCT’s wider role within the industry. Charlie Saunders Associate, Emerson Bond Charlie started his career as a quantity surveyor at Walter Lilly & Co….

Case Study: Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw Café

The café at the gallery and performing arts venue Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw, on the north Wales coast, takes inspiration from the local marine wildlife and the spirit of scientific discovery and exploration during the time of the Victorian building’s original construction. Attracting local residents and visitors alike, the café was built on a JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor’s Design. Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw’s new café replaces a replica conservatory originally built in the 1980s. Its limited capacity and poor environmental performance led to a rethink,…

Contracting for Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)

Blog Author: Peter Hibberd Views on MMC range from its adoption being the only proper solution for meeting building needs, to its being old hat, and only able to produce aesthetic mediocrity. Neither view is true; nor is it true that standard construction contracts per se are a barrier to adopting MMC. Our understanding of MMC is often confused, despite the MHCLG Joint Industry Working Group’s 2019 publication ‘Modern Methods of Construction’, which introduces its MMC definition framework. A definition that comprises seven categories and…

Changing our Industry: Three Horizons, Four Capitals

Blog Author: Richard Saxon CBE “How very little, since things were made, has anything altered in the building trade”. Rudyard Kipling A generation has passed since the excitement of the 1990s as first Latham and then Egan called for radical change in the construction industry. Initiatives seemed to pour out of both government and the industry, yet here we are in 2023 with an industry which seems much the same, racked by cost pressures, defensive, risky, unsustainable and unattractive to the workforce that it needs….

Wraxall Yard, Dorest

A restoration and retrofit project, on an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in West Dorset, provides holiday accommodation and facilities specifically for people living with disabilities. The Wraxall Yard project used a JCT Standard Building Contract. Wraxall Yard is a project developed by Clementine Blakemore Architects for client, Wraxall Yard CIC. It is a restoration and retrofit scheme which upgraded a site of derelict farm and agricultural buildings to provide bespoke, supported, self-catered holiday facilities for local people living with disabilities. The buildings are located…

JCT Launches Contract Administration Forms for Minor Works and Home Owner Contracts

JCT announced the release of a new series of contract administration model forms for use with the JCT Home Owner and Minor Works Building Contract families. The new products available are: MW and MWD 2016 Admin Contract Administration Model Forms For use with the Minor Works Building Contract 2016 (MW 2016) and Minor Works Building Contract with contractor’s design 2016 (MWD 2016)  HO/B 2021 Admin Contract Administration Model Forms For use with the Building contract for a home owner/occupier who has not appointed a consultant…

JCT Interviews…Euan Geddes

JCT INTERVIEWS…EUAN GEDDES In the JCT Interviews… series we shine the spotlight on some of the key people who are involved with or give their time to support JCT, showing the diverse range of disciplines across the construction industry that our members represent and the collaborative work that contributes to the development of our contracts. We look at how our interviewees contribute to JCT specifically and gain their views on the wider industry and JCT’s role within it. Euan Geddes Member, JCT Council and Board…