JCT’s Young Professional Group (YPG) have held their ‘Construct and Connect’ networking event in partnership with members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ (RICS) Matrics UK, and the Chartered Institute of Building’s (CIOB) Tomorrow’s Leaders.
The event, which was attended by 114 guests, and hosted jointly between the three groups and KPMG, took place on Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at KPMG’s Canary Wharf offices in London. It was the second occasion that the YPG has joined with peer groups from professional bodies across the construction industry.
Expanding on their last joint event, ‘Construct and Connect’ also featured representation from a number of other industry groups, including the Society of Construction Law’s (SCL) Astra Committee, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers’ (CIBSE) Yen London, the Association for Project Management’s (APM) Built Environment Network Group, the British Property Federation’s (BPF) Futures network, and the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
The event was an opportunity for members from across the various networks to meet informally, discuss ideas and relevant topics, and gain the perspective of other young professionals working across all areas of the built environment.
The JCT YPG is a focus group for construction professionals within approximately the first ten years of their career, those ‘young in the industry’ regardless of age, and students. Membership of the group provides peer-to-peer networking opportunities across all sectors of the industry, including events, webinars, and talks from industry professionals.
Exclusive access to the JCT YPG online portal also provides videos, articles, papers, blogs, interviews, and more.
The YPG is a unique membership group within the construction industry as, just as JCT itself is comprised of member bodies from across the built environment, the YPG also aims to bring together young people from all professions to learn, connect, and gain a broader perspective on key issues.
The ‘Construct and Connect’ networking event, where the YPG had the opportunity to collaborate with groups from two of the UK’s major construction professional bodies, was an important occasion for all those early in their career looking to establish new connections and learn more about the wider industry.