YPG Member Spotlight…John Bugg

Full name: John Bugg
Title or occupation: Trainee Quantity Surveyor
How long have you been a YPG member: 4 months

Professional Spotlight

Tell us a bit about your background; what is your current role, and why did you decide on a career in the construction industry? 

In 2020, I left my position as a Project Manager for an event traffic management contractor to go travelling for 2 years with my partner. During that period, I worked on construction sites in both the UK and Australia which reignited my interest in the industry after having worked as a skilled labourer before getting into events full time.

Since returning to the UK and moving back home to Norwich, I’ve begun an apprenticeship with Hainstone to train as a chartered quantity surveyor.

After looking through the various professional routes within construction I was drawn to working client side as a QS due to the varied range of project involvement, and the far-reaching and deep skill set required.

After meeting with the directors, Phil and Myles, and Lewis, who is now my mentor, I knew straight away that Hainstone is exactly where I wanted to train. I’m really enjoying the experienced guidance I am receiving here and relishing the opportunity to work on such a great variety of projects.


What future goals and aspirations do you have for your career?

Right now, I’m excited about and focused on the journey towards becoming chartered. It’s an aspect of the career path I think works well to give you a defined and structured goal at the beginning of your career.

Looking ahead, I feel very lucky to be working at Hainstone where there is real growth, genuine opportunity, and a sense of pride in the work we do for our clients. I am proud to be a part of that and aspire to contribute significantly to that continued success.


What is the biggest career challenge you’ve had to overcome?

The decision to leave a very settled and comfortable position and retrain in a new industry was a huge and tough decision to make. However, construction was always somewhere I saw fulfilling my long-term goals, as the industry is ever evolving and plays such a big part in shaping the world around us.

The sheer volume of new knowledge and skills I’m learning every day is incredibly rewarding and continually confirms to me that taking up this new challenge was the right decision.


Does JCT and the Young Professionals Group have a wider role to play in the industry beyond producing contracts?

Any organisation that has a steadfast position and far-reaching influence within an industry, in my opinion, should always endeavour to use that position for the good.

Even before starting my training, I’d learnt about JCT from reading up about the role of a QS and the industry. Having a brand and position that recognisable behind a group like the YPG gave me confidence it was worth looking in to and is a great example of a positive use of that reach in bringing people together.


What else do you hope to gain from YPG membership?

It’s nice to have somewhere to refer to with information, training, and news targeted at people joining the industry. I also hope to be able to make use of the networking opportunities to meet others starting out as well.


What are you reading, listening to, or watching that you’d recommend?

I love both cinema and prestige TV and, as much as watching the films and shows, I love listening to podcasts discussing them and the industry around them. The Big Picture and The Watch definitely being my go-to favourites.


Do you have any hobbies?

I’m an avid outdoors person and love hiking as well as action sports like climbing, surfing, skiing, and skydiving but recently I’ve been concentrating on my golf game the most.


Favourite place you’ve travelled?

Always such a tough question but the answer I find giving the easiest is Nepal. I recently completed the Annapurna circuit there and I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.