How well does procurement and contract practice enable BIM?

We now have a government mandate to use BIM Level 2 for all centrally procured construction projects and the take-up of BIM usage is broadening out into the wider public and private sectors. Officially the concept of Level 2 is entirely compatible with established commercial arrangements. The CIC BIM Protocol (2013) is the key document here, agreed with the legal and insurance sectors. However, there have always been concerns in some quarters. JCT itself does not endorse the CIC Protocol in its entirety as it claims to override the contract in the event of discrepancies….

JCT Interviews…John Turner

In this series we shed some light on some of the key people who are involved with or give their time to support JCT, to ensure that all areas of the construction industry are represented and can contribute to the development of our contracts. We will look at how our interviewees contribute to JCT specifically, and gain their views on JCT’s wider role within the industry. John Turner JCT Council Member Member of the JCT Drafting Sub-Committee John Turner is a Project Manager at Derwent London; a property investment and development company…

JCT Student Competition 2016

Skills, education and BIM spark student’s creativity Whether using the written word, video, visual graphics or designs – creativity, innovation and providing practical solutions were all hallmarks of winning students’ work in the JCT Student Competition 2016. The 2016 competition ran from 9 September 2015 to 16 March 2016 with judging taking place on Thursday 26 May. Students from over 40 institutions around the UK entered the competition, continuing the high level of interest and value that the competition generates for construction students. This year’s competition asked for creative ideas and solutions to address…

Making Amends

Blog author: Peter Hibberd Amending standard form building contracts is done more than is necessary and sometimes even changes the nature of the contract. Amendment might be done so as to change the risk apportionment or simply because of office practice without regard to risk – whatever, problems frequently arise. In addition to any imbalance of risk created there is also potential for inconsistency, conflict and or incoherence in the contract. Consequently, the effect of an amendment may become costly in an unknowing way. JCT Standard forms of contract are devised by experienced practitioners to…

Termination under JCT building contracts

Blog author – Andrew Keeley, Charles Russell Speechlys There is no general right to terminate without cause under most of the JCT contracts. This is unsurprising; a construction project requires a significant commitment from both parties and cannot be abandoned lightly. However, sometimes there is no other option but to part company. In these circumstances it is crucial to carefully check the particular contract terms of the contract you are using. Here are some important points to consider before terminating a JCT Standard Building Contract 2011 (SBC 2011) or JCT Design and Build…