JCT Launches Contract Administration Model Forms for Home Owner Contracts

JCT has announced the release of a new series of Contract Administration Model Forms for use with the JCT Home Owner contract family. The new products available from the JCT Online Store include: HO/B 2021 Admin Contract Administration Model Forms For use with the Building contract for a home owner/occupier who has not appointed a consultant to oversee the work (HO/B 2021) HO/C and HO/CA 2021 Admin Contract Administration Model Forms For use with the Building contract and Consultancy Agreement for a home owner/occupier (HO/C…

JCT Training – Spring 2023

New courses added for February, March and April – book your place on one of our full-day, in-person courses today. Visit www.jctltd.co.uk/jct-training. The latest batch of JCT Training courses for the Spring 2023 season are now available to book. See below for details of the following courses: JCT Contracts 2016 – The Legal Perspective Date: Tuesday, 28 February 2023 Venue:JCT Offices, 4th Floor, 28 Ely Place, London, EC1N 6TD Time: 10.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. (lunch and refreshments provided) Host: Victoria Peckett, chair, JCT Drafting…

JCT Training Update

Autumn 2022 Training Course Dates and Brand New JCT Training Video Module Courses… We have announced our range of available JCT Training courses for the Autumn 2022 season. We continue to provide a flexible range of face-to-face and digital webinar courses covering some of our best-selling contract families. Whether you opt for one of our full day, in-person courses, providing a thorough grounding in a contract, or one of our introductory 3-hour interactive webinars, we have the tools to help you improve your understanding of…

Rolling Out PBAs in JCT Contracts

Blog Author: John Riches – Vice-Chair, JCT Drafting Sub-Committee   Project bank account provisions are now available for all JCT contract suites – improving cash flow through the industry… Lord Denning said in Modern Engineering (Bristol) Ltd vs Gilbert Ash (Northern) Ltd 1973 that “cash flow is the lifeblood” of the construction industry – a sentiment that is particularly apposite where parties feel they are not being paid enough or on time. There have been a plethora of reports on the ills of the industry featuring…

JCT’s Updated PBA 2022 Now Available in Hardcopy and Digital Formats

Back in February, JCT announced the release of the Project Bank Account Documentation 2022 (PBA 2022). The new product is now available in all formats, including hardcopy, JCT On Demand digital, and as part of the JCT Construct subscription service, via the JCT Online Store. Project Bank Account documentation is designed to help parties to a JCT contract who wish to set up a Project Bank Account as part of their fair payment practices. PBA 2022 comprises three parts: JCT Project Bank Account Agreement (PBA)….

JCT Digital – Are You Making the Most of Our Online Services?

Flexible options to buy and work with your JCT contracts online, plus an important notice about our JCT Contracts Digital (CD) Service JCT is committed not only to best practice in creating its suite of contracts but also in their delivery, including embracing the latest digital technologies to support the drafting process and make accessing JCT contracts easier. Two years ago, we launched our current digital services, JCT On Demand and JCT Construct, not knowing the unprecedented set of challenges the construction industry was about…

JCT Training Video Modules – Brush Up on Your JCT Contract Knowledge

JCT Training Video Modules is the latest option available from JCT as part of its JCT Training initiative. The video modules provide a short introduction to the key elements of JCT contracts. They are convenient and useful for those wishing to refresh their knowledge of a particular aspect of a contract or familiarise themselves with a JCT contract for the first time. Available via the JCT Online Store, the videos can be purchased either individually, where a quick-reference guide on a particular aspect of a…

JCT Updates Project Bank Account Documentation for 2022

JCT has announced the release of Project Bank Account Documentation 2022 (PBA 2022). The Project Bank Account documentation is designed to help parties to a JCT contract who wish to set up a Project Bank Account as part of their fair payment practices. PBA 2022 comprises three parts: JCT Project Bank Account Agreement (PBA). This includes the JCT form of Joining Agreement (PBA/JA). Enabling Provisions for insertion into the Building Contract and Sub-Contracts requiring the relevant parties to enter into the PBA. Guidance Notes. The…

New – JCT Training Video Modules

Cover the basics of JCT Contracts with our new Video Module series of JCT Training products – convenient and useful anytime you need to brush up on an aspect of a contract or familiarise yourself with a JCT contract for the first time. JCT Training Video Modules provide a short introduction to the key elements of JCT Contracts: The individual videos cover a particular aspect of the contract, full of useful information as a quick-reference guide and to refer to at a time convenient to…

Coming soon – JCT Training Video Modules

JCT is adding to its expanding range of JCT Training services with a new range of video modules, accessible via the JCT website. The current range of JCT Training includes face-to-face training day sessions, and our popular range of 3-hour, interactive webinar sessions. The Training Video Modules will provide an alternative service, for those looking for smaller, easier to access chunks – ideal for brushing up on a certain area of a contract over a lunch break. About JCT Training Video Modules Ideal for those…