JCT 2016 Edition – information on roll-out of suite

As JCT Network members will be aware, the JCT 2016 Edition of contracts has launched and contracts will continue to roll-out family by family over the coming months. Contracts already published include: Minor Works Contract family Design and Build Contract family Short Form of Sub-Contract and Sub-subcontract Focusing on the best-selling contracts, the next family to be published will be the Standard Building Contract, expected at the end of October. This will be followed in the Autumn/Winter with the Collateral Warranties and Intermediate Building Contract…

JCT 2016: summary of new features

JCT Minor Works 2016: out now!

The JCT 2016 Edition has launched with the Minor Works family of contracts… All JCT shop customers will be able to purchase the Minor Works 2016 family of contracts, with next-working day delivery service available for UK customers who order before 2:00pm*. The 2016 Edition Minor Works Building Contract (MW), Minor Works Building Contract with contractor’s design (MWD) and Minor Works Sub-Contract with sub-contractor’s design (MWSub/D) are also all available through JCT’s On Demand digital service. What contracts can I buy? Minor Works Building Contract (MW)…

Skills, education and BIM spark winning students’ creativity

Tom Haworth, of Westminster University, has won the JCT Student Competition 2016, with his entry, “Work Placements For The Student’s Benefit, Not Their Employer’s”. The other winning entrants were Peter Dorrell, of Greenwich University, with his video and essay titled “The United Kingdom’s Construction Skill Shortage” and Samuel Kapasa, of RIBA North West, with his visual essay, “TALK: BIM and the Future of Communication Protocol”. Talking about Tom Haworth’s winning entry, the judging panel commented: “An original idea, set out in a clear and individual…

JCT Minor Works 2016 available for pre-order

The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT)  has made the first of its 2016 Edition of contracts, the JCT Minor Works family of contracts, available for pre-order via its online store, for despatch on 24th June 2016. The contracts available for pre-order include the JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016 (MW), JCT Minor Works Building Contract with contractor’s design 2016 (MWD), and JCT Minor Works Sub-Contract with sub-contractor’s design 2016 (MWSub/D). In addition, JCT is making the following tracked change documents available: JCT Minor Works Building Contract…

JCT Parliamentary Reception 2016

Congratulations to Ben Thornycroft, the winner of the ‘JCT Construction Industry Parliamentary Reception’ prize draw! Thank you so much to JCT Network members for entering our prize draw for two tickets to JCT’s Parliamentary Reception and helping to make it a huge success. We are sorry if you were not selected as the winner this time. But don’t worry, you’ll have another chance to win in our next competition later this year.

BIM and Housing Issues combine at JCT’s Parliamentary Reception

JCT’s Construction Industry Parliamentary Reception was held at the House of Commons on Tuesday 17 May 2016, bringing together construction industry professionals, clients and government to reflect upon current issues in construction and their impact on contracts. Introduced by JCT Chair, Richard Saxon CBE, the event was an opportunity to update delegates on some of JCT’s current activities, including work JCT is taking forward in relation to Building Information Modelling, and the forthcoming JCT 2016 Edition of contracts. Richard Saxon said: “We are having an…

Who should be at the heart of a Project (whether BIM or not)?

Much of the construction related rhetoric we hear every day neglects to mention or challenge the most critical member of the Project team. Everyone else gets a mention: the designers, the constructors, the techies that enable clever stuff to happen, but very little is said about the guys that need the project, appoint the team, pay for it (in so many ways!) and then also benefit from it (hopefully!). At the heart of all projects is of course not the Architect or Project Manager but…

Twerton Mill

The recently completed 7,500m2 Twerton Mill development offers 327 premium student living units, located on a site steeped in industrial heritage and within a popular student and local residential area. Built by Midas Construction Limited, the project was commissioned to tackle an accommodation shortage across the city, where the rising student presence has contributed to 67% of population growth within recent years. Based on a challenging site, the use of the JCT 2011 Design and Build contract provided a good balance of cost certainty with…

JCT 2016 – New Features Announced

With the JCT 2016 Edition due to arrive later this year, commencing with the Minor Works family of contracts in the Summer, a preview of the key changes and features of the 2016 edition was given by JCT chair, Richard Saxon CBE, in a speech at the Olswang Annual Construction Conference in February. Here is an overview from Richard’s speech of the key features of the JCT 2016 Edition: The JCT 2016 Edition will incorporate and update provisions from the JCT Public Sector Supplement relating…