JCT Launches Contract Administration Model Forms for Home Owner Contracts

JCT has announced the release of a new series of Contract Administration Model Forms for use with the JCT Home Owner contract family. The new products available from the JCT Online Store include: HO/B 2021 Admin Contract Administration Model Forms For use with the Building contract for a home owner/occupier who has not appointed a consultant to oversee the work (HO/B 2021) HO/C and HO/CA 2021 Admin Contract Administration Model Forms For use with the Building contract and Consultancy Agreement for a home owner/occupier (HO/C…

The Risk of Volatile Prices on a Building Project

Blog author: Peter Hibberd In September 2021, the Bank of England stated that inflation may reach 4% by the end of that year. The talk, by some, that this was alarmist and that we should not overreact to rising prices is now seen to be way off beam. General inflation has increased significantly since then and in September 2022 it had risen to circa 10% according to ONS. How wrong can one be! The construction materials indices are even more variable and reflect price increases…

Managing Construction Price Inflation

Blog Authors: Sarah Elliott and Suzanne Reeves  – Wedlake Bell The construction industry has had to mitigate the effects of Brexit and COVID-19 and is now beset with additional inflationary pressures in the wake of the war in Ukraine. Unfortunately, inflation is unlikely to be brought under control in the short term and will be with the industry for some time to come. This means that businesses across the supply chain need to find ways to manage the risks of cost escalation over the life…

Competency, culture, and compliance will ensure we don’t ‘feel the breath of the Building Safety Act upon us’

Gary Neal, head of fire at Skanska UK, delivered a clear set of guidelines to those working in construction to ensure that building projects not only achieve the necessary requirements of the Building Safety Act but also the desired cost and quality outcomes first time, in his JCT Povey Lecture, given on Thursday, 10 November 2022. In his presentation, ‘Building Safety Act: practical steps to compliance in construction’, Gary explained the four main areas of focus of the Act, namely, the changes to general building…

JCT Povey Lecture 2022: “Building Safety Act: practical steps to compliance in construction”

JCT Povey Lecture 2022 “Building Safety Act: practical steps to compliance in construction” Presentation by Gary Neal, head of fire, Skanska UK Panel discussion hosted by Karen Kirkham, JCT chair, featuring Gary Neal and Amanda Long, chief executive, Building a Safer Future Extra information: Download presentation slides Find out more about Skanska UK: https://www.skanska.co.uk/ Find out more about Building a Safer Future (BSF): https://www.buildingasaferfuture.org.uk/ BSF Champions – Benchmarking and Verification for Change Download PDF  Find out more about the BSF Champions process: https://www.buildingasaferfuture.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-bsf-champion/ Find out…

JCT Povey Lecture to discuss Building Safety Act and practical guidance for professionals

Gary Neal, head of fire, Skanska UK, will give the JCT Povey Lecture webinar 2022, with a presentation entitled, “Building Safety Act – Practical Steps for Compliance in Construction” on Thursday, 10th November 2022. The Building Safety Act and its impact on both projects and construction contracts will be under consideration, with Gary Neal providing practical guidance on the impact of the legislation on construction projects and the best approach required for practitioners to achieve compliance. The presentation will be essential viewing for construction professionals…

RIBA report shows JCT is dominant contract provider and “industry standard”

The RIBA Construction Contracts and Law Report 2022 has been published, with the results showing that JCT continues to be the most widely used standard form contract provider in the UK construction industry. 59% of respondents indicated that JCT contracts were the forms that their organisation used most often, whilst 71% said that they had used a JCT contract over the last 12 months. When asked to give reasons for their choice of contract, respondents said of JCT: “industry standard and tested in the courts”,…

JCT’s Parliamentary Reception Highlights The Need To Support Construction’s Future Leaders

JCT used its Construction Industry Parliamentary Reception, hosted at the House of Commons, to highlight the importance to the future of the construction industry of supporting young professionals and providing education and training opportunities. The event, held on 17th June, and JCT’s first Parliamentary Reception since the Covid-19 pandemic, was an occasion to bring back together professionals across the industry who contribute to JCT’s success and welcome members of JCT’s Young Professionals Group (YPG). The YPG is a networking group aimed at those primarily in…

JCT releases new Minor Works and Sub-Contract Video Module Training Courses

JCT has announced the release of two new courses from the JCT Training Video Modules Series, ‘Introduction to JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016’ and ‘Introduction to JCT Sub-Contracts 2016’. The Minor Works course provides a series of modules covering all aspects of the JCT Minor Works Building Contract, including when to use MW 2016, the structure of the document, employer and contractor’s key obligations, payment, variations, delays and extension of time, and more. The Minor Works modules assist users who wish to brush up…

JCT will look to Industry’s Future at Parliamentary Reception

JCT will be hosting its first Construction Industry Parliamentary Reception since the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on the future of the construction industry and support for young professionals. The event, taking place on Friday, 17 June 2022, is an exclusive occasion for JCT’s members and guests, celebrating the achievements of JCT and the wider industry, raising awareness of important issues or new developments, and an opportunity to thank those professionals involved in making JCT a success. This year’s event will highlight the future of the built…