JCT launches new online ‘JCT Training’ programme

JCT has developed a new package of online training to sit alongside its traditional, face-to-face courses. The programme aims to provide more flexibility for contract users as restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic remain in place. The new digital JCT Training delivers courses as live broadcast webinars, with the same expert trainers as the physical courses – all either past or current members of the JCT Council or JCT Drafting Sub-Committee. As well as being broadcast live, the courses also provide interactivity for attendees who…

Suite of updated Covid-19 articles available from JCT website

JCT has made available a suite of new articles providing information about the impact of Covid-19 on construction projects and the contractual issues that arise. The new articles, authored by JCT past-chair, Peter Hibberd, follow on from the orginal article, “Coronavirus (Covid-19) and JCT Contracts”, released in April. The latest articles update the original information from the April piece, set out the guidance from Government and the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and the important contract areas affected, and address the issues that need to be considered for future projects. The suite highlights specific issues that apply to the…

JCT seeks new chair

The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT), the UK’s premier contract writing body for the construction industry, is looking for a new chair of the JCT Board and Council from March 2021, for a three-year term. JCT is seeking an individual with experience of chairing board meetings comprising various interest groups, with the ability to overcome challenges and to facilitate and achieve collaboration and consensus. The chair’s role is an opportunity to be at the head of an organisation with a unique span of influence across the…

JCT Digital assists construction professionals as lockdown eases

JCT has been adopting a ‘digital first’ approach in the provision of its contract products and services, in an effort to increase the efficiency and flexibility for those working with construction contracts during the lockdown period. As the lockdown eases, its digital services are aimed to assist construction professionals in their return to work. JCT Digital encompasses a range of online services, including JCT On Demand and JCT Construct. JCT On Demand is the digital equivalent of the JCT hardcopy contract. Users are able to…

Full range of JCT 2016 contracts now available digitally

JCT has released the final batch of its JCT On Demand documents so that the entire range of the JCT 2016 Edition of contracts is available digitally. The contracts in this latest release include documents from the JCT Major Project Construction Contract (MP) family, JCT Constructing Excellence Contract (CE) family, JCT Construction Management (CM) family,  JCT Management Building Contract (MC) family, plus a range of sub-contracts, agreements, and guides. JCT On Demand is the digital equivalent of the JCT hardcopy contract. The service provides instant, online…

New ‘Coronavirus and JCT Contracts’ article available

JCT has released an article, authored by Peter Hibberd, past-chair, JCT, aimed at contractors, clients and contract administrators to provide information on understanding how the effects of coronavirus impact JCT contracts, what the contracts provide for to deal with such events, and how parties can ensure compliance. With the coronavirus having such an unprecedented impact on construction projects, it is important that all parties to the contract are able to understand the key areas of the contract that come into play, and what action may…

JCT Construct. Learn more about building and creating your JCT contracts online

JCT launches JCT Construct – a new digital contract drafting service

JCT has launched the latest in its range of digital contract services, JCT Construct. JCT Construct is a subscription-based contract drafting system with advanced editing features, enabling users to create and amend JCT contracts in a secure, flexible, and easy to use online environment. With JCT Construct’s powerful tools the JCT contract text itself can be edited, enabling users to add their own amendments, clauses, or other customised text. This is alongside being able to use the same intuitive Q&A process as the JCT On Demand service to fill in contracts comprehensively. The system…

JCT Prime Cost Contract among new digital products on JCT On Demand

JCT has added more contracts from its current 2016 Edition to its On Demand digital service, increasing the range of JCT contracts available to purchase and fill in online. The latest release of new products includes the JCT Prime Cost Contract (PCC), JCT Measured Term Contract (MTC), JCT Repair and Maintenance Contract (RM), and their associated guides. Recently the service was updated to include the full range of JCT Sub-Contracts, which added to the range of best-selling JCT contracts that have been available for some…

JCT Chair to take part in Construction Blockchain Session at Futurebuild 2020

JCT Chair, Richard Saxon CBE, will be participating in the “Construction Blockchain: BIM and Smart Contracts” session at Futurebuild on Wednesday 04 March 2020. The session, hosted by the Construction Blockchain Consortium (CBC), outlines the emerging applications of distributed ledger technology, and includes the presentation of a white paper from the CBC, for which Richard wrote the forword. Delegates will be updated on developments in technologies such as Blockchain, DApps, and smart legal contracts, and why they need to be considered in order to fully…

JCT Povey Lecture 2019 – Our digital future: space and place in a digital world

JCT Povey Lecture 2019 “Our digital future: space and place in a digital world” Alan Penn, professor, architectural and urban computing, The Bartlett, UCL; chief scientific advisor to Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government About the Povey Lecture The JCT Povey Lecture is an annual event at which an eminent person is invited to give their thoughts on significant matters that are relevant to the construction and property industry. The purpose of the lecture is to stimulate thought and encourage ways of continuing to…