JCT 2016 Edition of Contracts – Launch Webinar

The JCT webinar, “JCT 2016 Edition of Contracts”, hosted by Building, was broadcast live on 23 November 2016. The webinar was set up to provide more information to JCT users about the 2016 Edition, specifically covering the main areas of change. This session included information on: Introduction to the 2016 Edition Building Information Modelling (BIM) The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 Payment Insurance Performance Bonds and Guarantees, Third Party Rights and Collateral Warranties The Webinar included the following expert speakers: Victoria Peckett – partner, head of…

Not So Standard Contracts

Blog author: Peter Hibberd After Brexit, the UK is to go its own way regarding procurement and contracts but it will still have to work within parameters set by others if it is to trade internationally – something which JCT will continue to pursue regardless of the UK’s membership of the EU. During the past year, few subjects have created as much angst and foreboding as Brexit even though its definition is unclear– perhaps that is the problem. This article does not repeat the well-trodden arguments…

Wilton’s Music Hall

A JCT Standard Building Contract was behind the curtain at Wilton’s Music Hall – a conservation project of such sensitivity that the works behind the scenes were vital to keeping this piece of East End history as authentic as possible… For local Stepney residents, and the wider theatre-going community, Wilton’s Music Hall is a treasure – one of only very few purpose-built music halls, built in London from the 1830s, to have survived in anything like its original form. Since its reopening as a concert…

JCT Interviews…Justin Perry

In this series we shed some light on some of the key people who are involved with or give their time to support JCT, to ensure that all areas of the construction industry are represented and can contribute to the development of our contracts. We will look at how our interviewees contribute to JCT specifically, and gain their views on JCT’s wider role within the industry. Justin Perry JCT Director, NSCC JCT Council Member Member of the JCT Payment Review Working Group Justin Perry is an independent construction consultant specialising in providing contractual and…

Does a failure to sign mean you’re off the hook?

Blog authors: Marc Hanson and Helena Savva – BLP Law JCT forms include comprehensive guidance on execution, in addition to standard provisions allowing the parties to execute the contract under hand or as a deed. However, what they do not include are terms providing that the contract will not be binding unless both parties execute it. So, what if the parties amend their JCT form to include such a term and then one party doesn’t sign? Surely, the answer must be that the contract won’t…

JCT 2016: Minor Works suite published

Blog authors: Karen Clarke and Christopher Dickson – CMS Cameron McKenna The JCT launched its much awaited new suite of building contracts with the publication of its revised Minor Works family. The Minor Works building contracts (with options for contractor design or not) and a form of sub-contract that can be used in conjunction with the main form (also making provision for sub-contractor design) together constitute the first three agreements in the JCT’s new 2016 edition (“JCT 2016”). The 2016 editions of the remaining agreements…

JCT Student Competition 2017

JCT’s annual student competition will be running for 2017, opening in October 2016 and closing in March 2017. Once again, the overall winner’s prize will be £1,000, with two runner-up prizes of £250 also available. Following the success of last year’s competition, this year’s competition will continue the same focus on creativity and innovation. In recognising the different learning requirements of construction courses and disciplines, the competition will be open to receiving entries in a variety of media, including video, photography, photographic essay, drawings or designs, written essays, articles or any other creative format. However they present…

An Ill Wind?

Blog author: Richard Saxon CBE, JCT Chairman Britain has a massive, long-term housing problem, with market-driven supply not nearly equalling demand and major skill shortages preventing any increase in that supply in the short term. The country also has a set of policies in place which hamper alternatives from making a contribution by seeing home-ownership as the people’s ideal. It may be the aspiration of the majority but it’s an impracticable one: home ownership rates are falling. But now we have another national crisis to…

Harlech Castle

Any building project has its unique complexities and a project which includes renovation and refurbishment, new-build construction, and the implementation of a variety of sustainable and energy saving techniques, is no exception. But in the case of Harlech Castle in Gwenedd, Wales, the former had to be achieved in a building, next to a scheduled ancient monument, on a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in a conservation area on the edge of a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), within a National Park. A JCT Standard…

Work placements for the student’s benefit, not their employer’s

JCT Student Competition 2016 – Overall Winner’s Essay Tom Haworth, Westminster University An essay addressing skills shortages in the construction industry, focusing upon the lack of experience-based architectural training during the early years of UK architectural education.   The Challenge Of The Unknown As a current Part Three student, I am approaching the end of a long qualification process. This essay contains my reflections on the process so far, and the change I would like to see, based on my observations. The problem, is that architects are currently not…