
JCT Interviews…Sean Smylie

In the JCT Interviews… series we shine the spotlight on some of the key people who are involved with or give their time to support JCT, showing the diverse range of disciplines across the construction industry that our members represent and the collaborative work that contributes to the development of our contracts. We look at how our interviewees contribute to JCT specifically and gain their views on the wider industry and JCT’s role within it. Sean Smylie vice-chair, JCT Council Current job title and company:…

Information Management: What, Why and How

Blog Author: Richard Saxon CBE You have heard of BIM, but what is IM or Information Management? And why has it replaced BIM as the focus of digital processes for the built environment? Thirdly, how do you use IM to deliver the desired outcomes? In a nutshell, Information Management is a process for integrating all the inputs to planning, designing, building and operating built assets. It’s based on structured, shared information that people and machines read as the ‘single source of truth’. It’s defined by…

Three Options for Managing Inflation Risk Using JCT Construction Contracts

Blog Author: Nigel Blundell and Hamza Sekkar –  Pinsent Masons The current volatile and unpredictable market conditions pose a risk to the success of major projects. However, there are ways that contractors and clients can manage risks associated with inflation in their contracts. We look at three options available under the JCT suite of standard form contracts that contractors and clients alike should consider at a project’s outset. Current practices Deleting the fluctuation provisions in standard form contracts had been an accepted practice for many years….

The Hub, Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery Trust, London

The Hub’s building-within-a-building design and contemporary spin on many of original Pitzhanger Manor architect, John Soane’s, iconoclastic Georgian architectural features provides a sensitively constructed and functional space for volunteers and the local community. A JCT Minor Works Building Contract was the form of choice. The Hub is a modest name for a building that nonetheless lives up to its meaning – a centre of activity – with an elegantly constructed design that has the utmost respect for its surroundings. The building was commissioned by the…

Building Safety Act Focus for JCT Povey Webinar

The Building Safety Act and its implications for both projects and construction contracts will be under consideration for the JCT Povey Webinar 2022. Gary Neal, head of fire, Skanska UK will be delivering a presentation covering the key aspects of the Building Safety Act, focusing in particular on the practical implications of the legislation on construction projects. Following the main presentation, Gary will join a panel for further discussion and audience questions, led by JCT chair, Karen Kirkham and featuring Amanda Long, chief executive, Considerate…

RIBA report shows JCT is dominant contract provider and “industry standard”

The RIBA Construction Contracts and Law Report 2022 has been published, with the results showing that JCT continues to be the most widely used standard form contract provider in the UK construction industry. 59% of respondents indicated that JCT contracts were the forms that their organisation used most often, whilst 71% said that they had used a JCT contract over the last 12 months. When asked to give reasons for their choice of contract, respondents said of JCT: “industry standard and tested in the courts”,…

JCT Training Update

Autumn 2022 Training Course Dates and Brand New JCT Training Video Module Courses… We have announced our range of available JCT Training courses for the Autumn 2022 season. We continue to provide a flexible range of face-to-face and digital webinar courses covering some of our best-selling contract families. Whether you opt for one of our full day, in-person courses, providing a thorough grounding in a contract, or one of our introductory 3-hour interactive webinars, we have the tools to help you improve your understanding of…

The Alice Hawthorn, Nun Monkton, Yorkshire

Named after a famous 19th century racehorse, The Alice Hawthorn pub has undergone a transformation with the renovation of its Grade II listed main pub building and the addition of 12 brand new guestrooms whose design befits its rural location and history. It charges out of the gate to the colours of a JCT Standard Building Contract. The Alice Hawthorn is the last remaining pub in the Yorkshire village of Nun Monkton, the closure of four other pubs being indicative of the socio-economic and legal…

A Consideration of 3 Relevant Construction Matters

Blog Author: Su Sharma – Skanska UK Last year, the JCT Young Professionals Group (YPG) kindly invited me to speak on three of their chosen topics, Modular Construction – The Future of Construction, Draft Building Safety Bill (as it then was at the time), and PI Insurance: Current Position. This article for JCT News includes those topic areas I covered with the YPG, as a summary for JCT News readers, and to provide an update where applicable on the current situation.   Modular Construction –…

JCT Interviews…David King

In the JCT Interviews… series we shine the spotlight on some of the key people who are involved with or give their time to support JCT, showing the diverse range of disciplines across the construction industry that our members represent and the collaborative work that contributes to the development of our contracts. We look at how our interviewees contribute to JCT specifically and gain their views on the wider industry and JCT’s role within it.   David King Member, JCT Council RIBA representative Current job…