JCT Tracked Change

The JCT Tracked Change document service provides a fully tracked change version of each of JCT’s main contracts, sub-contracts and sub-subcontracts.

The 2024 Edition Tracked Change documents shows the changes in red from the 2016 Edition (black text).

The 2016 Edition Tracked change documents show the changes in red from the 2011 Edition (black text).

The service is a benefit to professional advisers who advise their clients (employers, contractors, sub-contractors) of the changes, or any construction professional looking for a reference between the 2016 and 2024 editions, or the 2011 and 2016 editions.

The documents accessible via the button below are all available to purchase via the JCT Online Store – click below to find out more and to purchase. All other contracts, including sub-contracts and sub-subcontract are available through Docdel by emailing: suzanna.wong@thomsonreuters.com. When you purchase a Tracked Change Document through Docdel, you will receive an unbound hard copy print out of the PDF version.